Thursday, November 24, 2011

“Dating” for Girlfriends Part 4 of 4


2. Initially I thought I would be wide open when it comes to the potential friends’ philosophy on fitness. After all, I don’t have to be sexually attracted to them, why would I care if they’re obese? But as it turns out, the desire to stay healthy and fit translates into other parts of their personality too. One girl who sent me a coffee had on her profile: “Exercise: Are you kidding? Favourite hobby: Couch potato.” I realized right there that I am looking for the “til death do us part” type of friends, and don’t fancy much for them to die on me in a decade’s time.

3. I noticed repeated warnings that men are not allowed to pretend to be women and join the site. I can only imagine what type of creepy men would resort to that to pick women up. Ewww.

4. As it turns out, profile pictures send powerful signals in regular dating sites as well as here. One woman posted a provocative picture of herself with two-thirds of her breasts showing. Maybe she was trying to attract the men who pretended to be women, but it definitely didn’t work with me.

5. There was another woman in her early-20’s who used her profile to bitch about her life, work, lifestyle-related diseases. Oh, and she’s got a kid she has no contact with. Huh, being this young and this full of health-related baggage has more to do with personal choices than luck. And don’t women in our society generally get greater access to their children than men? That got me thinking:  did she abandon the kid? Was it taken away from her? If so, that does not speak well about her. She said she’s looking for someone to “lift her up.” As Plucky Duck would say, “This is a job for… someone else!”

6. Like dating, I found that too great an age and experience gap is still an issue.

7. Like dating, there are women who said hi, and totally disappeared after a few emails.

8. Like dating, personal safety is still a priority.

9. They say you are who you hang out with, so I stayed away from:

a.    A girl who has Jersey Shore and Sister Wives as her favourite shows.
b.    A girl who’s looking for clubbing and drinking buddies.
c.    A 20-year old with three children. Three kids at such a young age? I’m sorry. One is an accident, two is carelessness, three is a hobby.

I’m still debating about the lady with the Rottweiler and pit bull, but a dog walking date with her could be nice… At least the muggers will stay away. Well, wish me luck! As the Klingons say, good hunting!


Anonymous said...

Good hunting, girl!

Chris said...

Best of luck. As for #4, it's possible she could be trying to attract other women. Just because its only women doesn't mean some can't use the site to find dates.

Ms. Lulu said...

Well, the description of the site said "platonic women friendships", but that doesn't stop anyone!

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