Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Blog!

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for your patience as I spent the month of January working hard to prepare for the re-launch of the Economics of Love. Unfortunately someone had snatched that domain name and demanded that I pay $100,000 for it. I kid you not! So I’ve renamed my concept Accounting for Love, which, in my opinion, is a much more suitable name anyways. Sometimes, necessity really is the mother of invention!

Thanks for your readership through the past year, and I hope to share more with you in 2012. Be sure to get the new RSS feed and I have a small gift for those who would like to sign up for my mailing list. You have my word that I won’t spam you.

Without further ado, here’s the link for my new blog:


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Almost there...

The prep work for the relaunch is almost done. Stay tune!