The idea that all the serial daters cluster on the popular dating sites and get recycled over and over again is rather depressing. But with knowledge of economic clustering, you can avoid the types you do not desire in the dating scene:
- Avoid pick up hotspots if you don’t want to be picked up.
- Avoid pick up hotspots catering to a certain niche. Once I went out with friends and made the mistake of letting her older co-worker pick the bar. My first bad sign was the place being named after an Elvis song, then I saw middle-aged people hooking up and leaving together. Double ewww.
- If you want to meet someone with well-rounded attributes, do not go to sites that specialize in only one. E.g. A certain site that shall not be named caters especially to gym rats and yoga enthusiasts, and it attracts its fair share of narcissistic shallow boys who are more in love with themselves than anyone else. The yoga boys might talk a good game about zen and spirituality and such, but they are just as likely to screw you over as anyone else. A basic healthy lifestyle in a potential partner is desirable (it ensures that they could actually grow old with you), but it should not be the only focus.
- Same case with sites that specialize in only the aesthetic requirement of a dater (you know which one I’m talking about).
I know exactly which sites you're talking about! Met a dragon boat guy there once...
What's wrong with middle-aged single people looking for other middle-aged single people?
Nothing. Except 1. Quite a lot of them are obviously NOT single. 2. When you see Aunt Selma grabbing Reverend Lovejoy's bum and squeeze hard. Nothing wrong with middle-aged single people looking for love, just find the one-night stand scene creepy.
Sorry, should've clarified.
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