Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! The Economics of Love (EOL) has been a dream a decade in the making. I’m very excited about sharing it with you at last.

The EOL is a hilarious way to look at love and relationships through the eye of an accountant. I’m not here to give an economic lecture (plenty of textbooks out there for that), but to laugh and cry with you about the pitfalls of dating. Having been there myself not so long ago, I know how tough it is out there. And no, I don’t think of myself as some sort of all-knowing love guru. Hell no. I’m just a girl who’s made and seen plenty of mistakes, and knows exactly what not to do.

So why be logical about a subject that’s notorious for its lack of logic? Here’s the big secret: We’re already doing the math in our heart. We just don’t admit it to ourselves, that’s all. Deep down, we all know it when we’re being fooled, when we fool others, and especially when we fool ourselves. I believe in the value of self-awareness. And what better way to achieve it than through laughter?

In a world where campaign promises are broken before the lawn signs are even recycled, I’m going to risk jinxing myself by making you a promise of my own: I’m going to post on this blog on a regular basis – every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  So check back often, I have tons to share! And if you have any comments, or if you have a particular situation you want some EOL insight on, I’d love to hear from you. I’ll try to respond as much as time restraints would allow.

I hope you enjoy reading the blog. Thank you for welcoming EOL onto your screen.


J said...

Congrats on the new blog Lulu! As a fellow accountant, I can't wait to see how you link accounting/econ with love. :D

Suzy said...

Thank god someone is making sense of this crazy little thing called love! I've posted it on my fb- hopefully the gospel will get out! Awesome Lu!

Ms. Lulu said...

J: Thanks for posting the first comment ever! Stay tune, I've got lots to share!!!

Ms. Lulu said...

Suzy: Thanks for sharing it with your friends. Yes there's a surge of pageviews soon after your post, hehe :).

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