Monday, February 7, 2011

Write Off: Get Those Losers Off Your Books!

So it’s the beginning of February. What’s every accountant with a December 31st corporate year end doing right now? Preparing for the auditor’s visit! It’s time to take stock and clean up the books. It’s amazing how things change in a year. That new photocopier everyone was so excited about? Already proven a failure and collecting dust in a corner. Can’t say it’s still worth $8,000 now, can you?

In that case, an accountant has to decide whether or not to Write Off that asset. If you write it off, sure the income statement would look bad, but at least it’s only a one-time hit. If you say it’s worth $8,000 when it isn’t, then the fake value would stay on your balance sheet year after year. Might as well bite the bullet, and open the books in the new fiscal year with a clean slate.

How I wish more women would do just that for their love lives.

Let’s face it, women tend to be hoarders when it comes to potential partners. How often do we fall into that trap of “let’s be friends” while secretly waiting for the guy to come around? Hey, he might have a little drinking problem right now, but those AA meetings could really work out. He’s fearful of commitment now, but that might change after he hits 35, right?

The reality is, a lost cause is a lost cause, and a useless photocopier is still a useless photocopier. Having three semi-okay guys on your books does not add up to one Mr. Right:

Tom (30%) + Dick (30%) + Harry (30%) ≠ Mr. Right (90%)

So ladies, be brave and write off those losers. Facing the real picture is half the battle in turning a profit in the game of love.

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