In the last post I talked about Information Asymmetry, and how not everyone has the same, or the right information, or gets it in a timely manner.
The sad thing is that humans by nature will lie to get the advantage, as long as they can get away with it.
Now let’s see how this can be applied to the dating market. The dating market is vast and wide, and you are dealing with people you and your immediate circle know nothing about. A man who only wants you to put out could give a very decent front, a committmentphobic could pretend to be interested in marriage, and nobody is going to put on their dating profile caption: “Looking for Rebound, the More Gullible the Better.”
And because nobody has perfect information, people could completely misrepresent themselves and be able to get away with it. The good and the bad ones are all mixed together. In such a market, the players (with their great acting skills) are at an advantage. A girl could be sleeping with a team of sailors behind a guy’s back, yet enjoy the privileges and treatments reserved for a faithful partner in an exclusive relationship.
This is bad news, if you’re not the type to sleep with a team of sailors.
When the bad girls pass themselves off as the decent ones, the decent ones are in trouble. With the market flooded with fakes, the decent ones find themselves in stiff competition with people who aren’t playing fair. Soon the guys get burned out, and refuse to trust even the nice girls. It’s like if people cannot tell the difference between organic and conventional food, then they’ll refuse to pay a high price for anything that comes along. As a result, the price gets driven down across the board.
Next we’ll look at some of the measures to counteract Information Asymmetry. Please comment and let me know what you think of this post!
“Looking for Rebound, the More Gullible the Better.” That's funny!
I was thinking about guys who are deceitful (players who pretend they want commitment), they are definitely overpriced in the market. Having spoken to a few exes about this, they have admitted to hurting 100s of women (using them) because 1 woman had hurt them. Thus they have a ripple effect creating 100 times the pain in the market for the pain that was inflicted on them. It would be easier if their aura flashed red while they are in their destructive phases or if they could just be honest and let women make a choice between a fling or walking away.
I agree. It's not easy to tell who's in the destructive phase and who isn't. Sometimes they aren't even honest with themselves. All of that makes it really hard for people looking for a genuine commitment. If someone could invent an aura detection machine it would be the greatest invention of our time!
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