Friday, June 24, 2011

Information Asymmetry: The Not-So-Good-Looking Players

Just for fun, let’s see how Information Asymmetry might affect the not-so-good-looking players in the dating market.

In our society they do not give out certificates for good lovers, and referrals are as awkward and creepy to give as they are to receive. So most people make their sexual choice, especially the ones of the causal nature, based on appearances only. “If he looks hot, then I’m going to assume he’s good in bed.”

Hence the paradox for the poor, poor, not-so-good-looking player: To prove his skills, he has to get the girl into bed. Yet without the good looks, he cannot get her into bed, so he can’t develop those skills in the first place. And even if he’s got the skills, he still cannot prove it without convincing her to go to bed with him...

Okay, my head’s spinning a little now.

Anyways, this dilemma is why the not-so-good-looking players generally have the gift of the gab. Flattery, lies, manipulation, persuasion... Hey, he’s gotta compensate for his looks somehow, right?

Feel free to tell me your horror story!


Jennifer said...

Once a guy told me he was going through a hair transplant - and just I wait!

Ms. Lulu said...

the image of where those donor hair might be coming from was enough to make you run, I guess...

Debbie said...

I had one who said his wife just left him because she was allegric to his dog.

Ms. Lulu said...

maybe she was allegric to him...

Anonymous said...

How about the changers? Once the get you into bed, they become a different person (or just disappear)!!!

Ms. Lulu said...

yep that happens a lot. Too bad those type don't have a sign on their forehead.

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