6. You know those guys who modify their exhaust so it’s loud and obnoxious, and think people will assume they’ve got a much nicer car that they really have? Now substitute the word “car” with a certain vital male organ and weed out the bragging wannabes.
7. Of all the phrases from the last decade, the one I hate the most has to be “Friends with Benefits.” Sure, the freedom sounds nice, but whose benefit is it for, really? There are many great benefits to true friendships, so let’s not insult it with this supposed one. There’s always a cost to these kind of arrangements, no matter what people pretend (the opportunity cost of something special coming along, the risk of one side falling for the other, the cost of the friendship itself, etc.). In some cases, one side might feel the cost more than the other. So unless you could handle the cost, don’t do it.
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