Thursday, October 27, 2011

Historical Trend Analysis: If He Cheated on Her to be with You

I always believe that if a relationship started out unhealthy, it’ll continue on an unhealthy path. That’s why I don’t get some women - you know, the type who steals another’s husband, then acts so betrayed when he cheats on her later on? Well, what the heck does she expect? She knows his history. In fact, she plays a vital role in his history casted as the home wrecker. What makes her think he’ll turn into the faithful type once she’s got him?

I always thought it was interesting how Sylvia Plath committed suicide after her husband had an affair. Then years later the mistress killed herself in the same manner. Creepy, but interesting. Is the husband really that worthy? What got the mistress this urge to connect to Plath in this morbid way?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Substance over Form: The Guys who Modify their Exhausts to look Like they’d Got Nicer Cars Part 2 of 2


5.  If he treats you like a fuck friend more than a girlfriend, then that’s what you are to him. No amount of BS from his mouth should you trust.

6.   You know those guys who modify their exhaust so it’s loud and obnoxious, and think people will assume they’ve got a much nicer car that they really have? Now substitute the word “car” with a certain vital male organ and weed out the bragging wannabes.

7. Of all the phrases from the last decade, the one I hate the most has to be “Friends with Benefits.” Sure, the freedom sounds nice, but whose benefit is it for, really? There are many great benefits to true friendships, so let’s not insult it with this supposed one. There’s always a cost to these kind of arrangements, no matter what people pretend (the opportunity cost of something special coming along, the risk of one side falling for the other, the cost of the friendship itself, etc.). In some cases, one side might feel the cost more than the other. So unless you could handle the cost, don’t do it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Substance over Form: The Guys who Modify their Exhausts to look Like they’d Got Nicer Cars Part 1 of 2

I’ve been thinking up a few more examples of Substance over Form:

1.     Sometimes, after a break-up, couples seem to spend even more time together. Instead of “going out,” they are now “hanging out” as friends. Not that men and women cannot be friends, but people often lie to themselves about the true status of where things stand.
2.     If he keeps saying that he likes you, but something keeps comes up to prevent him from calling you up after a date, or being on time for a date, or showing up at the date at all, then something’s not right. Listen to the real underlying core message, not the excuses.
3.     If he’s treating you like crap, then no matter what he says, he’s treating you like crap.
4.     Some women live with a guy and kid themselves that he’ll propose in no time. If he acts like a commitmentphobic, thinks like a commitmentphobic, then he’s a commitmentphobic, never mind what his ad campaign said.

(continued in my next post...)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wonderful / Horrible Date

Came across a funny article from Simone Grant:

It's about her date with this really wonderful / horrible guy. They're the type that are the hardest to say no to, or leave, or to write off.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Signaling: More Bad Signs to Avoid – Later Dates/Relationship/Marriage Part 3 of 3


9.     If he does not respect your money, he does not respect you. This one I wish I’d known at university. You know how at the beginning of a semester students would receive a reading list from their profs, and they would hit the bookstore using this list to buy text books? Even though the profs might be teaching the same courses again, the list could get revised because of changes in the editions. Sometimes, the examples and exhibits varied so much from the old to the new that you really needed to get the latest edition in order to study properly. I had a boyfriend at the time and he took a certain course the semester before I did. He offered to sell his text book to me for twenty dollars, so we did an exchange. Then the reading list came and a new edition was announced. He just shrugged and said I could always keep the old one for reference.

At the time, I brushed it off as pure insensitivity and “strict business.” But even a real store has a refund policy, yet he can’t offer me the money back? What about, say, ten dollars? Nothing? Not only did I lose the twenty dollars, I had to cough out the money to buy a brand new book (there was, obviously, no used copies in circulation). I really should’ve paid more attention, because that relationship was really not meant to be. He ended up dumping me right before the final exams, unconcerned about how the stress might effect my grades.

10. Same thing if he’s more interested in borrowing from you than impressing you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Signaling: More Bad Signs to Avoid – Later Dates/Relationship/Marriage Part 2 of 3


6. Not wearing a ring when they should. Once I knew this guy who got his wife to agree to not wear wedding rings. Instead, they had identical key chains they both used. We both know what it represents and that’s all that matters, he told her. Actually, no. He also happened to be the type of guy who likes to surround himself with beautiful women all the time. What would these women think if they saw no ring? The wedding ring acts as more than a piece of jewelery: it is a signal and a public acknowledgment of one’s martial status. His excuses to not wear one are very suspicious indeed.

7.  The commitment-phobic. Same thing for the guys who claim that marriage is just a piece of paper. It’s not.

8. If he does not respect your time, he does not respect you. Like, if he expects you to miss work in the morning to drive him to the airport to save him a few bucks on a cab ride.

(continued in my next post...)