Timely: A friend of mine went out with this guy for a few months and things went really well. They decided in advance that they would sleep together on their third month anniversary. Everything went according to plan, then afterwards the guy went MIA. A week later she finally tracked him down and he said he had just gotten back with his ex-wife. “When the heck did that happen?” “Two weeks ago.” Apparently, the guy withheld that timely information so he could get the sex before he moved on. What a scumbag!
Free from Material Misstatement: In accounting, “material” means significant and note- worthy. Yes, there is a huge difference between a divorced guy (paper all signed off on the dotted line and official) and a married guy merely contemplating about divorce. Though many misrepresent themselves as “single” on dating sites.
Use Plain Language: “Do you love me?” “Well, you see, we have this really deep metaphysical bond that goes beyond the written word and it transcends all known languages...” “Do. You. Love. Me?” “Well, you see, love is such a complicated word that requires many levels of conscious understanding of the human mind...” In another word, no he doesn’t.
The other thing accountants like? Information that is backed up by evidence and in a traceable form. In other words, if he “proposes” but can’t bring himself to give you a ring, that’s not a real proposal.
the UNtimely guy sucks!
Although I don't think it has to be a ring, a symbol of significance to represent an engagement is important. When my wife and I got engaged, we were still students and had very limited budgets. Instead of getting her a ring, we got each other matching chains. It was very nice to be able to give her something, and at the same time have something myself to represent our commitment.
I eventually did get her a ring, as a surprise gift for our tenth anniversary, one much nicer than would have been affordable on a student budget. :)
That is such a sweet story, thanks for sharing! You’re right Chris, it doesn’t have to be a ring. It doesn’t even have to be anything expensive. The symbol is all that counts.
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