We’ve all seen it: single girls who can’t seem to catch a break in love. You know, the beautiful, successful type who own their own condos and treat their pets like princesses.
I once knew a girl who was a professional, in her early 30’s and good looking. We ended up chatting about men. She wanted a professional guy (so far so good), but he HAD to be very young-looking, drop-dead gorgeous, rope-muscled, and super wealthy. And no, she was not willing to settle for anything less.
Whoa, whoa, where do you find a guy like that?
In economics, there’s a phenomenon called market collapse. That happens when the desires of two bargaining parties are so vastly different that no deal can be made. So both sides walk away without reaching any agreement. The market is said to have “collapsed.”
Many women buy into the idea of the “perfect guy.” In the case of the girl in question, granted she had a lot going for her, but there’s a difference between “good-looking” and “drop-dead gorgeous.” The requirements she set up were just too unrealistic. The type of man she described is hard to come by. And even if he does, a young-looking, drop-dead gorgeous, rope-muscled, and super wealthy guy like him could do much better than her.
The girl could easily increase her options if she’s willing to change “drop-dead gorgeous” to “cute looking,” “rope-muscled” to “fit,” and “super wealthy” to “financially stable.” But she was too boxed in by her own standards and unwilling to compromise. Thus, the market collapsed on her.
"...the market collapsed on her." LOL
I know a couple people who, although they fit the description of the 'Market Collapse', for them it's not a problem. These people enjoy the single life and treasure their freedom and independence. In fact, the lives they've created on their own are so valuable, that they decide the only way they'd be willing to sacrifice it is if they met a person who fit every single ideal criteria they could want. If such a person comes along, then great! But if one doesn't, or if one does but is not interested, then there's no great loss, as they can keep living their fun, independent single lives that they love and enjoy.
I see it as a very healthy and well adjusted outlook on life.
That really depends on how realistic their criteria are. There's a difference between not settling until someone very nice comes along, and not settling until Angelina Jolie comes along.
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