Friday, March 4, 2011

Historical Trend Analysis #2: If His Wives Keep Dying, It Might be A Good Idea Not To Marry Him

With TV shows like The Tudors, there has been a renewal in interest in Henry VIII. Though much fascination is centered around his ill-fated wives, the story I love is about the little chickie who got away.

After going through his first three wives in quick succession (abandonment, beheading, etc.), Henry VIII asked for the hand of Christina of Denmark in marriage. Kinda ballsy really, considering Christina was the grand-niece of his first wife and knew his ill-treatment of her well. According to legend, when she turned him down her reply was "If I had two heads, one should be at the King of England's disposal." In today’s language: “As if, buddy!”


Hey, legend or not, I love that line! That girl really dodged a bullet there. Henry VIII went on to mistreat three more wives (abandonment, beheading, etc.). Seeing the Historical Trend of what came before, Christina knew what her fate would be like being tied to a man like that, and chose wisely. In doing so, she was smarter than even a lot of women in modern days.


Some women consciously refuse to learn from history, even when it is glaringly obvious. They delude themselves into thinking that they are the exception. So what if he cheated on his last four girlfriends? She’s so special that he won’t do that to her. Ummm, honey, not really.

While I’m on a TV rant, I have to say: I hate Mr. Big from Sex and the City. The guy was an asshole through the seasons, jerking Carrie around whenever he felt like it. Then they brought him back for the series finale, and he repented just in time for a nice happy ending. That ending was unrealistic. With a relationship that unsustainable, it’s no wonder why he got cold feet in the movie. THAT is the true face of Big. Emotionally unavailable men will always remain so.

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