Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Niche Market: Player Wannabes – The Ultimate Eyesores Part 2

(continuing with the poor player wannabes...)

So as suggested in the previous post, there are rules of engagement to obey even in an abusive situation. It is the player’s job to offer excitement, mystery, unpredictability, the devil-may-care attitude, and flattery. Essentially, a high to escape reality. Players are generally nice eye candy: they groom themselves excessively (worse than my cat), and work hard at the gym to appease their vanity. They might also dig into their credit cards for fancy dinners in their quests to get laid.

All these superficial things can be potent to a woman – in the short term at least. Of course, by the same token, the players aren’t offering much else.

Now let’s look at what a decent guy offers: sincerity, honesty, reliability, stability, etc. All these are wonderful qualities to have in a long term partner.

So you can see what a disaster it would be if a decent-guy-turned-player-wannabe tries to be someone he’s not. He’s giving up the very things that make him special, while sucking at the things that disgust him deep down. He cannot compete using slippery charms because he lacks the skills, his body is not sculpted with unrelenting ego because he’s got better things to do, and he won’t throw good money away because he’s financially responsible. 

(stay tuned for Part 3 next post, where I conclude with the best ways for a decent guy to win...)


Debbie said...

looking forward to part 3 :)

Anonymous said...

poor player wannabes...

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Thanks for posting!