Friday, April 22, 2011

Mixed Bag: You Give Love a Bad Name – the Conniving Females Edition Part 3

(continuing the saga of jerky women...)

Historical Trend Analysis

Some girls are very careful in wiping their history clean, or in rewriting it into “her-story.” I once overheard a girl telling another girl how it took her a huge amount of time to trust again after a broken relationship, when in fact she was the one who cheated. So if your girl’s past seems a bit too squeaky clean to be true, it probably is.

Substance over Form

Application #1: When good old-fashioned girls try to be bad, they try to work around their ethnics. This is the “oops I didn’t mean to get drunk/take off my top/have sex with you” routine. She did all the manoeuvring, then she blames you for being the bad boy and seducing her. Who’s truly in control here?

Application #2: A woman breaks up with a man, but still tries to exert control over his current relationship, and considers him hers to play. “Oops is it really 10:30pm already, I shouldn’t have called him so late.” “Hey I’ve got him this new gift – is that overpriced and inappropriate? We’re just friends...” Yeah right.

Tragedy of the Commons

“Hey if I don’t suck that boy dry*, someone else will!”

See, as women who are not out to jerk men around, we don’t like these types because they made us all look bad. It embitters the good guys, and takes away resources (time, effort, dinners) that would otherwise be allocated to deserving parties. Sadly, just like criminals, those who are the best at being the worst are the ones who never get caught. What’s a nice girl to do? The way I see it, just creating awareness is already doing a lot of good. Boys, seeing yourself in any of these patterns?

*Of money. Get your mind out of the gutter! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too true!

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Thanks for posting!