There are guys who are players, and then there are guys who want to be players.
As you know, I don’t have the highest opinion of players. But the wannabes? They’re even worse! A player wannabe is a generally decent guy who got sick and tired of being nice, but has no idea how to be bad. So he overcompensates by being the absolutely worst asshole possible.
Mind you, I understand where they’re coming from. It’s hard to be decent all your life and watch the girls of your dreams fall for the bad guys, over and over again. At one point, a desperate nice guy might just decide that being not nice is the only way to get the girl.
But they’re really going about this completely the wrong way.
You see, even between the players and the playees, on a certain level there’s still a bit of a fair trade going on. One charms and the other wants to be charmed. The playees might have some daddy issues they are looking for someone to play out with. Some need to go through that phase in order to grow up. It’s like that song “Sweet Dreams”:
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
(stay tuned for Part 2 next post, where I talk more about this “fair-trade”...)
yep hard to be a nice guy
or a nice girl :(
This reminds me of one of your previous posts, about guys who play with the bad girls but want to marry the virgins. But in this case, it's girls who play with the bad boys but want to marry the nice guys. If the market values bad girls and guys over good, some good people will be convinced that they have to turn bad to compete. :_(
Bad boys suck. Nice but exciting boys rule!
Yes, there's a certain market demand out there for bad boys, esp. in the short term. But as you'll see in later posts, nice boys could win big too!
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