In accounting, Salvage Value is the residual value of an obsolete asset. In other words, it is the last bit of value you can squeeze out of something that has gone way past its prime. Most guys in the dating market have never even heard of this term, but they sure know how to apply it effectively.
Here’s an embarrassing personal story I would like to share with you. Once I dated a guy who I initially thought had great potential, but as the number of dates we had increased, their quality seemed to be on a rapid decline. Our first date was great, our second date was good, our third date was alright, and our fourth date was...kinda okay. By the time dinner was finished, I was having some doubts about the whole thing. But because he looked so good on paper and the first date went so well, I figured I’ll go out with him at least one more time if he asked.
When we said goodbye at the subway station, he planted a big one on me. And I mean a big one. The type you don’t give Aunt Martha at Christmas. “I’ll call you,” he said. So I figured he was still interested.
Then...nothing. He disappeared.
(continued in my next post...)
He just disappeared???
Wait for part 2 :)
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